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  1. I thought she did the claustrophobia aspect really well too. I hope she writes more as Rachel Rhys – I’ve had a mixed reaction to her Tammy Cohen books, mainly because I’m so off that kind of psychological thriller these days. But I loved this one…

  2. I never understand why an already-famous author wants to use a fake name other than if they are worried their fame will cause their readers to like their books without question, such as when JK Rowling wrote a non-Harry Potter book.

    I read both the Christie and the Ware books you mentioned rather recently. I liked how Poirot’s train was so limited to one carriage, but I felt like Ware’s ship was more of a moving hotel then a boat. I’d lose track of where the main character was running to or from because it was a luxury ship. While no one is getting on or off, it didn’t FEEL like she was on a boat, to me.

  3. It looks to me like Pearl sees something even more intriguing off in the distance…

    I’ve heard this book is good. I think I would really like the ‘everyone stuck on a boat’ aspect of it. I confess to seeing this book at our local thrift store the last time I was there and I didn’t buy it! Now I know! Maybe it’s still there…

    1. Wow, I’m surprised it was already in a thrift store, it just came out a few months ago! hahah

  4. I don’t mind taking some time to settle into the story when the set-up pays off later and it sounds like it does here, with being so engaged with the story that you were reluctant to set it down. The author is “new to me” and I’ll be interested to hear if you enjoy others of hers too.

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