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  1. There’s a 2019 nonfiction book called Monster She Wrote that gives some bios and info about women who wrote horror through the years. It’s interesting that in the late 1700s most “horror” wasn’t horror at all: it was Gothic romance in which spooky experiences always had a real-life explanation. The books focused more on terror than horror. The next section of the book covers this move into seances and speaking to the dead, where characters might actually have a supernatural encounter. They got more into horror (read as gore). It’s an interesting read! I’m into the 1800s.

    1. OHhhh I love the sound of that one, ESPECIALLY bc of the murder she wrote reference haha

    2. It’s kind of Wikipedia-ish, but it also looks like some of the info the authors include is more obscure, so their research basically makes the book seem effortless.

    1. Thanks so much Tierney, I really appreciate the compliment! I hope you’re doing well in this difficult time, sending you warm wishes! xo

  2. Just been reading a non-fiction about the Spiritualist movement, although at a later period. Over here, apparently it had a massive upsurge after WW1 because of all the people who lost sons in the war. This book sounds like a kind of “cosy horror” – the porpy might find it restful… ;)

  3. I have a feeling that I would require more characterization to be drawn into this one, but I enjoyed reading your thoughts about it. And I appreciate the unconventional author photo, with an umbrella and snazzy tights!

    1. haha right? Isn’t that a great photo? Yes, this book you could pass on, it’s not really…memorable :(

  4. I had no idea Harlequin created anything other than bodice rippers! I find that whole spiritualist era interesting to read about too.

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