Halloween Video Review: The Saturday Night Ghost Club by Craig Davidson

Halloween Video Review: The Saturday Night Ghost Club by Craig Davidson

I’m getting into the festive Halloween spirit here by reviewing a ‘spooky’ book by Craig Davidson: The Saturday Night Ghost Club. Notice the extra effort I’ve put into this video-I included Halloween decorations on my bookshelf! That’s about as crafty as I get unfortunately, but nonetheless here it is. I should have mentioned that this…

Wordfest 2018 Recap!

Wordfest 2018 Recap!

Wordfest ended just a few days ago, and I’m still buzzing from all the bookish excitement! For those who don’t visit my blog regularly, Wordfest is my local literary organization that I once worked for, and now that I’m a full-time Mom, I run a book club with them called We’ve Read This. On top…

Video Review: Vi by Kim Thuy

Video Review: Vi by Kim Thuy

Technically this is a product + book review, because not only do I regale my viewers with (somewhat) insightful comments on Kim Thuy’s latest book Vi, but I also review some local chocolate by Master Chocolat! Yes, I’m really taking to this chocolate blogging thing, it’s a true passion of mine.  I’ve also changed my…